Greatstone Primary School Nursery

Covid-19 Remote Learning Contingency Plan

Greatstone Primary School Remote Learning Contingency Plan

Please find below our Remote Learning Contingency Plan, if you would like to download a copy please click the following button.

We have all now returned to full-time education and we couldn’t be happier to have our children back 🙂

Although we hope that the majority of our children will now have an uninterrupted return to school, there is still the possibility that an individual child, a class bubble, or indeed the whole school, will need to self-isolate for a period of time.

If this becomes the case, we have worked hard to put a plan in place for remote learning so that all children can continue with their education.

This meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’

If a child does not have access to a computer/laptop and/or the internet, we will do all it can to support children and will provide paper packs of learning. Please let us know if this is the case for your child.

Below details how we plan to ensure that all children are able to continue with their education across a variety of scenarios which include:

  • An individual child is isolating due to track and trace or a positive case within their household for 14 days
  • A child is at home due their clinically extremely medical needs
  • A school class/es have had to close or the whole school has closed.


Together we learn more

Individual isolation due to track and trace or positive test to COVID- up to 14 days

Pupil at home due to meeting clinically extremely vulnerable medical needs

Full Bubble or School Closure

For all pupils:

•       Using Class Dojo, class teachers will upload learning and associated resources via Class dojo between 3.30pm and 5pm the day before so that parents can see the learning materials prior to home learning.

•       Lessons will include English and Maths and other curriculum areas.

•       Where parents do not have access to IT, school will either deliver or post hard copies of all learning materials.

•       All parents will be signposted to appropriate Oak Academy teaching videos also.

•       Children can access mathematic activities on MyMaths and TT Rockstars websites using their personal logins.

•       KS2 children can also access Accelerated Reader/ Spelling Shed resources via their login from home.

•       A nominated member of staff will keep in regular contact to check if there are any concerns about the home learning.

•       Class teachers can be contacted via Dojo.

•       Teachers will monitor completion of home learning and give feedback through class Dojo.

For all pupils:

•       Using Class Dojo, class teachers will upload learning and associated resources via Class dojo between 3.30pm and 5pm the day before so that parents can see the learning materials prior to home learning.

•       Lessons will include English and Maths and other curriculum areas with clear signposts to appropriate websites or through a pre-recorded teacher video if a teacher input is required (for English and Maths only).

•       Where parents do not have access to IT, school will either deliver or post hard copies of all learning materials.

•       All parents will be signposted to appropriate Oak Academy teaching videos also.

•       Children can access mathematic activities on MyMaths and TT Rockstars websites using their personal logins.

•       KS2 children can also access Accelerated Reader/ Spelling Shed resources via their login from home.

•       A nominated member of staff will keep in regular contact to check if there are any concerns about the home learning.

•       Class teachers can be contacted via Dojo.

•       An isolating child can contact the class teacher via the Google chat facility or the class email.


For all pupils:

•       A class timetable will be shared the day after lockdown with instructions of learning to be completed. The timetable will include a mixture of English, Maths, daily reading and other non-core lessons.

•       Children can access mathematic activities on MyMaths and TT Rockstars websites using their personal logins.

•       KS2 children can also access Accelerated Reader / Spelling Shed resources via their login from home.

•       Lessons will not take place on a Friday afternoon so that teachers can continue to have their PPA time (this when they have 10% non-teaching time to plan for the next week’s learning or make assessments on children’s progress). During this time, parents can select from a range of ‘follow- links’ for additional learning activities.

•       Lessons will include English and Maths and other curriculum areas with clear signposts to appropriate websites or through a pre-recorded teacher video if a teacher input is required (for English and Maths only).

•       Should any member of the class team become ill, other members of the year group super bubble will lead on teaching and learning and post appropriate learning links and information so that learning can continue.


Additional support for SEND/ dis-advantaged pupils Additional support for SEND/ dis-advantaged pupils Additional support for SEND/ dis-advantaged pupils

•       Appropriate agencies will be notified and arrangements will be made for regular well-being checks for any child that is vulnerable. This process will be over-seen by a DSL (and all communication recorded on our safeguarding platform, CPOMS).

•       Where a child has means tested free school meals (this is different from Universal Free School meals), we will provide a food voucher for a fortnight.

•       Where a child is not engaging in remote learning, the class teacher will make contact to review barriers to learning and provide support.

•       Appropriate agencies will be notified and arrangements will be made for regular well-being checks for any child that is vulnerable. This process will be over-seen by a DSL (and all communication recorded on our safeguarding platform, CPOMS).

•       Where a child has means tested free school meals (this is different from Universal Free School meals), we will provide a food voucher for a fortnight.

•       Where a child is not engaging in remote learning, the class teacher will make contact to review barriers to learning and provide support.

•       Additional support for vulnerable pupils will be given by teaching assistants- this may be through on-line support or links to alternative learning resources.

•       Should we go into an enforced lockdown by central government, the provision of meals will follow the current government instructions.

•       Appropriate agencies will be notified and arrangements will be made for regular well-being checks for any child that is vulnerable. This process will be over-seen by a DSL (and all communication recorded on our safeguarding platform, CPOMS).

•       Where a child is not engaging in remote learning, the class teacher will make contact to review barriers to learning and provide support.

•       Our SENCO will support children with SEN to meet their needs, this may include the provision of alternative resources to support those already sent by the class teacher or sign-posting to agencies that can provide additional support and/or guidance.

•       Senior leaders will use class Dojo/Parent Mail for further support and guidance on mental health and well-being activities.