Greatstone Primary School Nursery

What Are Some Antonyms for Disagreement

As humans, we have different opinions and perspectives on various issues. Consequently, disagreements are bound to happen from time to time. However, there are times when we need to express our agreement or acceptance of some ideas. At such times, knowing antonyms for disagreement can come in handy. In this article, we explore some of the antonyms of disagreement.

1. Agreement

Agreement is one of the most obvious antonyms for disagreement. When two or more individuals share the same opinion or point of view, they reach an agreement. Agreement is the state of being in harmony with each other; it means there is no dispute or disagreement.

2. Harmony

Another antonym for disagreement is harmony. When there is harmony, things are in balance, and there is a sense of coherence and unity of purpose. In a harmonious setting, different opinions and perspectives can coexist without causing chaos.

3. Consensus

Consensus is another antonym for disagreement that refers to a general agreement among a group of people. It implies that everyone has agreed to a particular decision or course of action, and there is no room for argument or disagreement.

4. Concord

Concord is a word that refers to the state of agreement or harmony. It is often used in reference to musical harmony, where different notes come together to create a beautiful musical sound. In a broader sense, concord refers to a peaceful coexistence of different ideas, opinions, and perspectives.

5. Accord

Accord is another antonym for disagreement that refers to agreement or harmony among people. It implies that individuals have reached a consensus or a state of mutual understanding. Accord is often used in formal settings, such as diplomatic or peace talks.


In conclusion, knowing antonyms for disagreement is crucial in expressing agreement or acceptance of different ideas and perspectives. These antonyms include agreement, harmony, consensus, concord, and accord. Using these words in your writing or speech can help convey your message more effectively and maintain a positive and harmonious relationship with others.