Greatstone Primary School Nursery

Pc Collective Agreement 2019

The PC Collective Agreement 2019: What You Need to Know

The PC Collective Agreement 2019 is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for employees of the Public Service of Canada. It is an important agreement that affects thousands of Canadians who work for the government in various roles.

Here are some key things to know about the PC Collective Agreement 2019:

1. The agreement was negotiated between the government and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), which represents more than 140,000 federal public service workers.

2. The agreement covers a wide range of employment issues, including pay, benefits, sick leave, vacation time, and more.

3. One of the biggest changes in the agreement is a new pay system called Phoenix. This system has been riddled with problems and has caused significant delays in pay for many public service employees.

4. The agreement also includes provisions for mental health support, parental leave, and flexible work arrangements.

5. The PC Collective Agreement 2019 is a four-year agreement that runs from 2018 to 2022.

As a professional, it is important to note that the PC Collective Agreement 2019 may be of interest to individuals who work for the government or are interested in employment with the Public Service of Canada. Using appropriate keywords and phrases related to the agreement, such as “public service pay system” or “federal employee benefits,” can help increase the visibility of the article in search engine results.