Greatstone Primary School Nursery


Our Learning as Athletes

Our PE sessions are both indoor and outdoor for Reception and Key Stage 1. They focus on mastering basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination. Children are encouraged to participate in team games and to develop simple tactics for being an effective team member. Key Stage 2 children also complete lessons inside and outside and may also visit other facilities including the local swimming pool. Swimming is introduced to the timetable from Key Stage 2. We ensure wider participation in the community by involvement in interschool sports, local authority and Trust based competitions.

We have been enjoying working with the gymnastics coach (Click on the images to enlarge)

Our hockey skills have been improving

We enjoyed having the opportunity to learn squash

We had an opportunity to have a boxing lesson 

Basketball has been a big success. Greatstone were the Shepway representatives at the Kent tournament. Go Greatstone!