Greatstone Primary School Nursery

Monday 30th January 2017

Well that’s January almost over, and a bit chilly it has been too!
Term has got off to a brilliant start and if you have been following the Twitter feed you will have seen the range of activities that the children have been engaged with.
Class 8 have gone back in time and lived as Stone Age people for a day. The back in time theme has also been embraced by Class 5 who wanted to know what life was like at school 100 years ago. Class 11 have recreated the skeleton of an allosaurus out of clay, and indeed there is a rather large Tyrannosaurus Rex who has taken up residence in FS2. Class 3 have ‘visited’ the North pole and Class 4 have designed and made igloos. Class 6 have been out and about in the local area finding out why Greatstone is such a fabulous place to live and Class 7 have performed a superb poetry recital to their parents and carers…and on top of that the children have been working determinedly throughout all their lessons, in fact there were only two classes who missed out on a blue brick last week. We have much to be proud of!
Next week we have our Parent Consultation evenings and appointments will be coming out later this week. These are a great opportunity to share and celebrate your child’s hard work and also to discuss with class teachers how to further develop your child’s learning.
We also have the excitement of the Great Greatstone Valentine Bake Off to look forward to next week. This is a new venture for the PTFA so do either enter your masterpiece or come along and sample the sugary delights!
Tuesday 7th February is Safer Internet Day. We shall be doing work around this with the children in school and it is certainly worth having conversations at home and using the links on the Website to support this.
If using the Website on a mobile device please be aware that in order to access the information from the drop down menus you need to tap on the grey arrow and not just in the tab.
I look forward to seeing you at our Consultations Evenings next week.
All good wishes
Nicola Wood